Monday, 12 December 2011

Blending in..

People are most comfortable with the familiar even when change will be better they more often than none would go towards something they are familiar with instead of something that is alien to them. This is not unusual in people, it starts of at a young age, lets say school, usually only people who look and think the same way will form small groups- the smart people will hang around with other smart people and the good looking people will hang around with other good looking people. This is a common thing in people who are at that age but it doesn't stop at school. In the workplace and in society as a whole, many people still form these little group where difference is something to fear.
People may gravitate towards the familiar because they feel safe knowing that they are not alone, but being different doesn't have to mean being alone and it is up to society as a whole to try and make people feel as though they belong no matter what they believe in etc.

As we grow up one would hope that this irrational fear would dissipate, but more often than none it doesn't and it actually grows stronger and it is up to us as individuals to change and welcome people's differences and not make them feel ashamed of it.

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